Colette Marchand, the dancer, who has died aged 90, was an astonishingly glamorous star of the post-war explosion in French ballet, regularly causing sensations with her sophistication and beauty in unexpected guises.

In one ballet she hatched from a gigantic egg, dressed as a black chicken – a sight so seductive that an American tycoon crossed the Atlantic to propose to her. Soon after, Orson Welles created his only ballet around her, imagining her as a woman locked in ice which is ill-advisedly melted by a young man.

Known in the American press as “Les Legs”, Colette Marchand was far more than just a ravishingly beautiful Parisienne embodying the sensational French modern ballet developments. She was one of the leaders of the new post-war generation of youth in ballet, in a group that included Roland Petit, Renée “Zizi” Jeanmaire, Jean Babilée and Janine Charrat, hailed worldwide as an exciting new collective force in theatrical dance, fearlessly crossing borders into revue, theatre and film.

Colette Marchand in Moulin Rouge (Alamy)

Colette Marchand’s glamour and dramatic magnetism won her a major role as Toulouse-Lautrec’s prostitute mistress in John Huston’s 1952 film Moulin Rouge, for which she was Oscar-nominated – she was pipped by the Hollywood actress Gloria Grahame.

She also lost out to Zizi Jeanmaire over the leading role of Petit’s radically erotic creation Carmen, which in 1949 made his and Jeanmaire’s name overnight in London. Petit, only 24 yet already heading a company of the brightest young talents in France, Les Ballets de Paris, had thought of the willowy Colette Marchand to be his iconoclastic Carmen on the visit to London, where the public were considerably more adventurous than in Paris.

But the gamine Zizi, who was his mistress, was furious that Petit was simultaneously romancing Margot Fonteyn, and threatened to leave him if he did not give her the role. Carmen was a succès fou, and Zizi Jeanmaire became an instant star.

Colette Marchand was not to be outdone, however, making a sensation of her own in the frivolous romp that Petit choreographed for her as compensation, L’Oeuf à la Coque (“The Boiled Egg”). The emergence of the lissom young Marchand from her egg, sheathed in black, wearing a headdress of long black plumes and a short provocative tail, was the highlight of an unusual entertainment which captivated Jimmy Gardiner, an American railway tycoon, when the company was touring the US. He pursued her to Europe begging her to marry him. She told him she could consider him her ami only.

Colette Marchand rehearsing at the Stoll Theatre for Ballets de Paris, London, August 24 1953 (Getty)

The Boston Globe critic Stephen O Saxe applauded Petit’s “explosive” and “completely delightful” work, observing: “The dancers do handsprings, cartwheels, splits, and double splits – as well as a few bumps and grinds. All this happens when three leggy girls arrive in Hell in the form of chickens. They are danced into ovens by friends dressed as chefs, but soon emerge and proceed to seduce their would-be tormentors. The fiends don’t have much of a chance.”

Marchand became an instant beauty icon for American women. The Sarasota Herald Tribune declared: “Legs are back in style now, girls… Colette (Legs) Marchand’s back.” Interviewed by the paper on the subject of her legs, Marchand shrugged: “Legs are legs. They work well. But what are legs? Just bones with meat on them.” The reporter begged to disagree in her case.

Colette Marchand was born in Paris on April 29 1925 and trained in the Paris Opera Ballet school. She briefly followed a classical career at the Paris Opera before being talent-spotted aged 19 by the adventurous French critic and impresario Irène Lidova, who in 1944 launched a group of prodigious young French dancers and choreographers in “Les Soirées de la Danse”. Her selection would all go on to become world-famous, including Colette Marchand, Petit, Jeanmaire, Charrat, Babilée and Nathalie Philippart.

Diaghilev’s former associate Boris Kochno launched them commercially as a mould-breaking modern ballet troupe around Petit’s exciting modern choreography, which quickly made waves worldwide. Margot Fonteyn was drawn to France, had an affair with Petit, and considered quitting the Sadler’s Wells Ballet for Paris.

When Fonteyn decided to return to London, Colette Marchand took over the lead as the cat-woman in Les Demoiselles de la Nuit, which Petit had made for Fonteyn in 1948. Her fearless curiosity allied to her height, beauty and length of limb inspired wide-ranging new ballets for her by Petit, Charrat and the American William Dollar, and she also drew critical acclaim in London as a lyrical classical ballerina in Swan Lake and Lifar’s Romeo and Juliet.

Colette Marchand (Alamy)

Her L’Oeuf à la Coque celebrity led her to Broadway revue and helped her to land the role in Moulin Rouge as Marie Charlet, which established her as an eye-catching new French film star. She had an intriguing if short-lived cinema career parallel to her stage exploits. She starred in the 1954 French feature film, Hungarian Rhapsody (originally Par Ordre du Tsar), about the doomed passion of Princess Caroline Sayn-Wittgenstein for the composer Franz Liszt. She then choreographed and starred in her own short, impressionistic dance film, Romantic Youth, about a shop clerk’s fantasy that a mannequin is the woman of his dreams.

Her stage profile peaked with Orson Welles and Petit’s creation for her in London, Lady in the Ice, in 1953. She was a woman discovered in a block of ice, who, once released by a young man’s ardour, kisses him and turns him into ice himself. “A little parable for our times,” Welles quipped. To his chagrin the work was far better received in London than Paris, and he did not return to the ballet form.

While on tour with Les Ballets de Paris, Colette Marchand married the troupe’s conductor, Jacques Bazire, and gradually moved into cabaret and revue. Her sister, the former actress Yvonne le Bras, survives her.

Colette Marchand, born April 29 1925, died June 5 2015
